Heatingventilation and air conditioning — commonly referred to as HVAC — are usually serviced and installed by local HVAC contractors. While the three components are separate in their duties, HVAC installation and HVAC repair are intricately intertwined, very often within the same central HVAC system.

Your local HVAC contractors at Norris Mechanical, LLC service both commercial and home HVAC needs. The knowledgeable technicians provide recommended products, installation, maintenance and repair throughout six counties in Northeastern North Carolina, including the Outer Banks and Elizabeth City areas.

Commercial HVAC Contractors

The Norris Mechanical team of local HVAC contractors has been installing a wide range of HVAC heating and air systems in coastal businesses since 1984. We provide 24/7 emergency HVAC so your business doesn’t suffer, and we have experience installing and maintaining HVAC systems for:

  • Churches
  • Restaurants
  • Retailers
  • Offices
  • Medical clinics
  • Hotels
  • Health clubs
  • Historical buildings

Norris HVAC maintenance experts also are HVAC dealers; in fact, we’re a recognized independent Trane Comfort Specialist. That means we’ve met Trane’s stringent requirements and standards of customer satisfaction and continued education. But we service all brands, not just Trane products.


Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication

As local builders and property managers know, commercially produced ventilation systems don’t always meet the exact specifications required for a project, whether it’s new construction or an HVAC replacement. With Norris Mechanical, you won’t undergo any delays for custom ductwork because we own and operate our own sheet metal fabrication shop in Powells Point.

The best HVAC contractors are uniquely positioned to handle all your sheet metal fabrication needs in-house. With our own industrial equipment and experienced personnel, we can handle any custom ductwork project. Our capabilities mean fewer middlemen, faster production times and higher quality.

Local HVAC Contractors for All Seasons

When your HVAC furnace acts up in the winter, you need the best HVAC contractors at your door quickly. When HVAC cooling leaves you and your family and customers sweltering in summer, you can’t wait. In Norris Mechanical, you’ve found an HVAC company that does it all, including HVAC installation and repair for:

As coastal homeowners and businesses take up the green mantle to care for the environment, you may consider environmentally friendly HVAC systems. These systems may include spray foam insulation and use green geothermal energy.

Care for Your Commercial and Home HVAC

The most effective and efficient way to maintain your home and commercial HVAC system and lower your HVAC repair costs is with a bi-annual check-up and tune-up by Norris Mechanical. An Energy Savings Agreement (ESA) ensures you’re in good working order at all times. And it gives you priority attention from the best HVAC contractors on the Outer Banks and Elizabeth City when you need it most.

Additionally, you can ask your HVAC dealers at Norris Mechanical about financing through Wells Fargo, which is available for new construction, remodeling, or retrofitting upon credit approval. Call or email us today for more information. Get the best HVAC price and customer service. Our phones are always on!